

Election 2019: Our Manifesto Asks

Responding to the threat of climate change, the UK Government and all major political parties are making strong commitments to reaching net-zero greenhouse gas emissions in the coming decades.  These commitments can only be achieved with a major reduction in energy demand, which in turn requires a major programme of investment into energy efficiency in all our UK homes and buildings. 

Huge potential still remains for making our homes and buildings more energy efficient. The UK can cost-effectively reduce energy demand in homes by a quarter. This is equivalent to the output of six nuclear power stations the size of Hinkley Point C and could save the average household £270 every year.

There is technical potential to go even further and halve energy demand in homes.  Such demand reduction would enable substantial progress in the UK meeting its net zero goals as well as alleviating fuel poverty.


We would like all the political parties to commit to: 

  1. Ensuring that energy efficiency in UK homes and buildings is a policy priority for any new government 
  1. Investing public funds into a comprehensive energy efficiency programme for UK homes and buildings


The EEIG has set out a blue-print for a practical and achievable energy efficiency infrastructure programme for government, which has the following steps:

TEST 1:  

Energy efficiency confirmed as a national infrastructure priority, with clear governance arrangements, targets, a long-term action plan and funding, as in Scotland.

TEST 2:  

Additional public capital investment of £1bn per year to 2035 – much of it supporting low income households – that can help unlock £3.5bn of private investment, closing the £4.5bn investment gap. This is the level of funding which we have assessed would make the government’s EPC C targets for 2035 for all homes (and 2030) for the fuel poor, achievable.

TEST 3:  

Adequate incentives for ‘able to pay’ homeowners and landlords, such as lower Stamp Duty for more energy efficient homes and 0% interest loans for renovation.

TEST 4:  

Robust regulation, strengthening over time towards an EPC rating of C, that requires some homeowners to take action and inspires others to plan and invest for the future.

TEST 5:  

A long-term approach to delivery in which local authorities play a core role in tackling fuel poverty, creating demand and growing local supply chains.

TEST 6:  

Strong advice provision, quality assurance and safety standards.



  • Government investing £1bn a year to 2035 on energy efficiency is the most cost-effective way to reduce carbon emissions, make energy bills cheaper and to make our homes healthier and warmer, whilst helping the fuel poor
  • Public investment into energy efficiency pays for itself and would bring three times as much private investment from households and the supply chain, support tens of thousands of jobs and boost the economy in every part of the country.
  • It generates strong economic returns, creates thousands of high quality jobs and reduces NHS costs.
  • It is also essential for an affordable transition to zero carbon heating and for fulfilling the Government’s legal duty to end fuel poverty by 2030.
  • Economic activity from an infrastructure programme at this level of investment would deliver £51.1bn in tax by 2030 and would achieve a return of £1.27 per £1 invested.
  • There are many worldwide examples of energy efficiency infrastructure programmes delivering powerful results and achieving low carbon, warm and healthy homes.


Next steps

An energy efficiency programme now needs to be rolled out across the UK.  It is time to get on track to net-zero, end fuel poverty and to put energy efficiency first.

To see our blueprint for energy efficiency policy and our current UK policy tracker, please see our recent report: The Net Zero Litmus Test: Making energy efficiency a public and private infrastructure investment priority.


About us

The Energy Efficiency Infrastructure represents a growing and broad-based campaign coalition of 25+ industry groups, NGOs, charities and businesses that are asking for rapid improvement on energy efficiency in homes and buildings policy in the UK.


For more information

For more information, please contact:

Alasdair MacEwen, EEIG Secretariat


Download EEIG Election 2019 Manifesto Asks